Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mass Migration and Reader Poll

(Author's Note)

The Great Migration takes place over the next week. I may have an opportunity to post perhaps once more before the back breaking work begins, hopefully tomorrow evening. After that, I don't expect a chance to post more on the story until the 6th, at the earliest.

In the mean time, I have a Reader's Poll that I would like you folks to respond to regarding the first Rusty Bones novel...

Please vote via comments or directly by e-mail to me.

Here goes:

Question 1: How interested would you be in seeing Rusty in print? Would you buy a novel(or novels) if it had substantially more info and insight into Rusty and his world?

Question 2: If you would like to see Rusty Bones novels, would you prefer that they be told in the first person as the blog is, or would you prefer to see a third person perspective showing the events and thoughts of multiple characters?

Question 3: How interested would you be in an experimental form of storytelling that used first person accounts from multiple characters?

Any input you provide will be read and appreciated.

(Added 08/31/2005)--Due to the number of commenrcial comments being posted at this time, I am closing off comments to this post. Anyone actually reading the blog e-mail me, or you can post comments about this post at any other post below, which are still open for comments.

(Added 09/06/2005)--Now that word verification is turned on, this post is now open for comments again.



Anonymous said...

1. Very. Yes..more is better:)
2. I prefer the first person, as it
is written here, makes it flow
well and seems to draw me into
the story better than a more im-
personal tone would.
3. Hmm, might get a tad confusing,
make the storyline harder to
follow perhaps. I dislike books
that drag me from one character
to another willy-nilly. Why not
stick to first person and
narrative mixed ?
That could always leave you the
possibility of telling the tale
from another character's
perspective in another book...
and adding their personal story
too...there must be things
happening that even Rusty isn't
aware of...stuff the other
characters are doing during, around,before and after Rusty' narrative/adventures?

Anonymous said...

What the Frau said so I don't have to type much :)

Agent Bones said...

Firking ding blasted drive by commenters....sorry I had to delete about 9 bogus comments from various 'bots' that are merely veiled commercials.

Thanks for the comments Ravyn and Frau...how about any other readers?

Thanks in advance again.