Sunday, February 25, 2007

Enemies Mine...Part 2

We were met in the lobby by a thin, tall, middle-aged black man wearing a black tuxedo, highly polished shoes, and white gloves. He had been waiting in the middle of the room, calmly ignoring the never-ending stream of humanity that simply parted around him as they sought the golden spawning grounds in the gaming rooms behind him.

As we approached however, he came to life as if having been turned on. His spoke as we came near and bowed his head ever so slightly in my direction. “Agent Rusty Bones, I presume?” His accent distinguished as someone who trained or lived in England for a very long time.

I stopped. “Yeah. I’m Agent Bones. What can I do for you?”

He tilted his head again in the faintest hint of a bow of deference. “My name is Chandler Grimes. I have been asked to take you to your party.”

“Have you now? And just what party is that Chandler?” I stared directly into his eyes, trying to gain his measure, quite aware that many people found it hard to look directly at me for any significant period of time.

He returned my gaze, unfazed and unblinking as he replied. “I am in the personal employ of Mr. Richard Arnold. He has asked me to meet you and your party and to escort you to his private chambers.”

I extended my right arm, palm up and open. “Well then, my good man, why don’t you lead the way?”

He bobbed his head one more time, looked directly at my three companions for the first time. He bowed more substantially to Raven and Zenny while he barely acknowledged Jim’s existence. He turned on a dime and began a slow, march through the ever changing stream of customers, effortlessly avoiding contact with any of them as made his way towards a roped off elevator just off the side of the main lobby.

As we moved to follow, Ravyn leaned over to me. “What happened with meeting him in a public place?”

Jim’s quizzical look asked the same question without any words.

I brought my hand up to my mouth to prevent anyone from reading my lips while I pretended to cough. “It’s OK. Trust me.”

She arched an eyebrow at that, but didn’t otherwise respond.

A security guard pulled the velvet rope to the side, allowing us to follow behind Chandler into the elevator.

“Chandler, is an elevator necessary? This place can’t have more than four floors?”

The butler bobbed his head again before he spoke. “I am following my instructions, Agent Bones.”

The door closed as Jim brought up the rear of the party. It was just us and Chandler in the spacious elevator. I decided to take a chance and shifted in my vision into the Shadowland.

Chandler’s Spirit form was a very calm, deep blue in color and matched the shape and size of his body. His form looked right at me as I looked at him. It seemed that he gave me the same sort of slight nod that he had given me before. I shifted back into normal vision just as the elevator reached the third and top floor. The door opened with a chime.

Chandler somehow found a way through us and into the hall beyond before anyone could even shift out of his way. He didn’t seem to move that fast, but he was effortlessly leading the way again down a quiet, deserted hallway full of closed doors.

He stopped in front of a set of double doors, waiting for us to catch up to him. As we approached, he pulled open both doors so that they clicked into place and remained open without anyone holding onto them and stepped inside the beautifully appointed conference room.

Once inside, his announced in a loud, clear voice. “Mr. Arnold, it is my pleasure to announce the arrival of Agent Rusty Bones and party.” He turned to wave us into the room with his gloved left hand.

Stepping inside the large room, I saw Dick Arnold and El Diablito seated next to each other at the end of a long conference table. Standing behind them were three figures. Two of the figures, one to each side, were clearly guards, although they didn’t seem to be the same kind of goons that Drake and Dick Arnold had employed in the past. These two guys were clearly not your average soldier turned mercenary types.

But it was the third figure that caused me to stop in my tracks. I couldn’t make out any actual physical features because he was shrouded in a hooded dark cloak that obscured his face. But there was no mistaking that aura as soon as I saw him, I recognized him.

“Papa Locks!”


Anonymous said...

Ya know, Rusty, when you were filling Zenny in on the local lore, you failed to mention that many entertainers hail from these parts. One of those was George Peppard, who played Paul Varjak in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", and Col. "Hannibal" Smith on "The A-Team". [Now, THAT'S range.]

As that latter character might say, "I love it when a plan comes together."

Okay, now that we've got the bad guys cornered and off-balance, whattaya want us to do with 'em?

Anonymous said...

Now wait just one bloody minute. Didn't Betsy have Papa Locks for dinner way back when in FL?

So now we're stuck in a room, on the 3rd floor, out of public view, and I'm going to have to protect 2 of you from yourselves? Jim, you do remember that duck and run technique I taught you way back when, right?

Anonymous said...

You don't have to protect me from myself (protecting me from Diablito and Papa Locks might be an entirely different matter). No, I was being sarcastic.

As another example, I could recall the time Papa Locks tried to blow up a mountain with Rusty, Herne, and John Red Bear inside and ask Papa Locks, "Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?"

Not that I intend to, of course. :-)

Agent Bones said...

Such confidence!

Put away the flamethrower, babe.

I've got it all under control. They're right where I want 'em!

Anonymous said...

Jim, actually that is what I meant, Rusty from himself, you from the rest of them..

And Rusty? "You've" got them right where YOU want them?!?!?!?

What about the rest of us? *Hides flaming hands behind back*

Freeking bloody zombies...