Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Confessions...Part 1

Looking back on how things have developed, it must be more than mere coincidence that I eneded up telling about the torture of Dr. Geek at this time of year.

We both ended up suffering more in our own damn minds than in any other way.

I apologize for the delay in these last few postings, but the self reflection needed to compose these posts, especially right around Samhain, has been beyond my ability to overcome. I think, however, that I have now turned a corner on that problem, and anticipate moving the story along nicely in the coming weeks.

So, back to our happy tale where I had left poor Dr. Geek to deal with some serious alone time and the illusion that there were critters out there ready to make a snack of him.

Of course, there was no real danger, since this particular Realm of Shadow was devoid of inhabitants. That was why I liked it so much, I didn’t have to worry about dealing with any stray beasties. This was a place of solitude, contemplation, of least to monster like me.

In contemplating the use of this place for this particular interrogation, I had to consider my target. Dr. Bernstein was a very social person. In my recollections of him in his laboratory, he rarely worked alone. He was usually with at least one or two underlings and he was almost always chatting them up about some damn thing or another.

He was also a person who was completely devoid of any magickal abilities of his own, but was in awe of anyone who did possess those skills. He both loved and feared the very idea of magick.

Since this place was at the nexus of so many other worlds, it would have been foolish to try and hold anyone here who had even the least bit of magickal talent.

But that wasn’t a problem with Bernstein.

As I settled into my observational spot not too far away, I could see the poor bastard pull himself into a fetal position, cradling the meager light of the glowstick in his hands. He hadn’t even bothered to gather the other two glowsticks up yet. I noticed his shoulders shaking in what appeared to be wracking sobs. I almost felt sorry for him right there, but then I remembered how long I had been trapped in that damn Chakra, with no one to talk to, no way to know what the Hell was really going on. He had only been suffering for a few minutes, my torment lasted over a year. He could wait a little longer....