Monday, May 07, 2007

Brother Mine...Part 2

Hearing and feeling that voice caused something deep and dark within me to stir. That part of me wanted desperately to reach out to its kindred.

I had to stop for moment and focus my Will on tamping down those vestiges of Ma Grendel that wanted so desperately to be free once again.

I knew that the Bane would be able to hear my response using the same magick that it had used to project its own voice, so I didn’t bother to yell my response. “Unless you are prepared to surrender to my blade freely, Dark Brother, there will have to be further violence. Feel free to restrain your beasts for now, if you like, but I will be disposing of them shortly in any event.”

I got moving towards the wheelhouse again, swor held in my right hand at the ready position.

“Yes, that is the human in you speaking, Little Brother, but I am looking forward to showing you who you really are. I want to awaken the Drashe’en within. You will find me waiting for you in the captain’s quarters of this miserable vessel. The Reavers shall not molest you further.”

I didn’t bother to respond, but I also didn’t trust his word, so I kept the sword out and ready as I found the door that would lead me into whatever trap this creature had laid for me…


As I passed through the maze of passageways and portals of the crew quarters, I witnessed the carnage of the Reavers. Blackened, rotting body parts and sticky, fly infested pools of blood lay scattered throughout, each spot marking the place where one or more crewmembers had met their untimely deaths. For once, I was glad that I lacked the ability to smell. I could only imagine the stench of this place.

My ‘brother’ must have instructed his servants to stay away, because I only their shuffling steps and their garbled moans as they fled before me. Excalibur continued to glow and hum in my hand, it seemed as eager as I was to rid this ship of these pests.

I could feel the presence of the Bane as I moved deeper into the ship. That feeling manifested as a sort of cold tingling sensation that grew colder and stronger the closer I seemed to get to it. As that sensation grew stronger, the darks whispers within me clamored all the more to be heard.

“We hunger!”

“Feed us!”

“Let us answer the Call!”

Ignoring them, I came to one last door. It was closed, but I knew that the Bane waited on the other side. The cold was so intense, that I shivered out of instinct, though it did no good. I had no metabolism to jump start.

I reached out to turn the handle of the door, only to see the knob shift seemingly of its own accord. I resisted the urge to shift into Spirit Sight as the door opened, remembering how the Doppelganger on South Beach had blasted me with some sort of spell that had blinded me. I didn’t want to take that chance with this thing.

The room beyond the door was lit only by the pale sunlight that found a way to trickle through the porthole of a window. It may once have been a finely furnished room, but was now a disaster zone of mangled metal, smeared blood, and broken wood. In the corner farthest from the window, my nemesis sat waiting for me, his towering form seated on a makeshift throne made up of bloated, human corpses that had somehow been molded and twisted into shape. Across his knees lay the staff that I had seen in the blurry video image, while each hand rested on a vacant looking skull.

The voices inside of me were nearly ecstatic with renewed lust.

“Take him!”

“Feed us!”

“He must become one of us!”

I stepped into the room, sword held out in front of me with both hands.

The creature stood up, it was tall and spindly and would have banged its head on the ceiling of the chamber if it had stood to its full height instead of stooping its shoulders. It had to be at least eight feet tall, but was very thin.

Moving with a grace and speed that belied its gangly appearance, the creature slipped to the left of the throne and stooped to one knee, waving with the ebony staff in its right hand towards the throne.

“For you, Master. I am at your command.”