Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Cryptic Message

So, where were we?

Ah yes, I was just about to arrange for a trip to go see Ravyn and visit my daughter there when I received a very cryptic e-mail, reproduced here in its strange entirety:


Another experiment involving you has come to fruition, something not revealed by the data you captured previously.

Congratulations on your new baby girl.

If you wish to know the whereabouts of your daughter, contact me by phone at (519) 555-6859 between 8 and 9 PM tonight. If you don’t follow through, she will either be dead soon, or fall into HIS hands, and I don’t think you want that to happen.

If you help me, I will help you.


Now, my very first reaction to reading this e-mail was to get ready to delete the damn thing. My new baby girl? How the fuck was that even possible? It had been nearly two years since I had died, and besides that, I had been snipped many years before my death....so the possibility of having fathered a child anytime in the last year was pretty much out of the damn question.

But before I deleted it, I sat down and thought about things for a moment. Something about the number seemed familiar to me? What was that?

Well, as someone who had grown up in Michigan near the border with Ontario, Canada, I recognized that the area code was an Ontario code.

But who would be leaving a message like that from Canada...and how would they know anything about what had happened to me? And who used the initials of ‘DB’?

Then it came to me...Dr. Geek, his true last name was Bernstein, and the last I had seen of him, we had left his ass outside of Vancouver, Canada in one of those transport rooms that Drake had placed all over the place.

But why would he help me, and what possible help could I give him?

Damn, only one way to find out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AARRGGHH!!!!!!! Could you leave us a shorter entry?


Where's my light orb? LOL