Thursday, February 02, 2006

Unclean Memories

I have meditated on this post for several days now. I have wrestled with issues great and small in deciding how to proceed from where I last left off.

There is no good way to describe the events that transpired with Zenni Al Farhan at the hands of Daniel Bernstein. Even knowing the reasons that Daniel used to convince himself that he was justified in taking the actions he took, I cannot comprehend how a man can do the things that he did.

I have always hated rapists more than just about any other kind of criminal. As a cop, I have confronted more than my share of such criminals, always taking great pleasure from arresting those scumbags and putting them behind bars. Usually after making sure they have a few more bumps and bruises than I found them with.

Having these memories in my head made me feel unclean, made me feel like a participant in his crime. Worse yet, I had to replay them more than once to learn the clues to solving the puzzle he had created inside his own head. The information he learned from Zenni Al Farhan, and the objects he recovered using that information were so dangerous to his own survival that he had to create a maze within his own memories to shield those secrets from accidental disclosure.

So, in order to discover the key to unlocking what those secrets might be, I had to relive this experience more than once in order to move forward.

I will conclude this short post by saying that Mrs. Al Farhan did survive that night, but Daniel’s actions that night left her broken and disabled to such an extent that he felt that she was no longer a danger of revealing her secrets to anyone else.

I vowed to exact some measure of vengeance on Daniel, on those who eventually helped him to perpetrate those crimes against Mrs. Al Farhan, and of course, ultimately on Drake, who, in the end, is the root the cause of so much evil in this world.

I also vowed to see if Mrs. Al Farhan still lived and to see if there was any aid that I could bring to help her heal from these wounds.


Anonymous said...

Roadtrip. Someone make me an appointment at the spa in case I get into yet another mess. (Sorry Jim!)

Like it or not Rusty, I'm going, along with Frau and Cerry! This lady needs a womans touch, not a strange looking zombies!

Buffy said...

Love the blog premise. Reminds me of the way they marketed Blair Witch.

Rusty Bones..why do I keep thinking Rusty Shackleford in King of the Hill?? :)

Agent Bones said...

Hold those horses Ravyn, darling...this trip will be you will see, you will be glad of that...

Thanks Buffy! Nice blog yourself--for anyone interested in seeing another fiction blogger, click on her name and follow the links to her site. Looks pretty interesting...

Anonymous said...

You send that poor woman into heart failure and you will answer to me Rusty....THEN I'll let the others have their turns!

Anonymous said...

Age before beauty Ravyn m'dear...age before beauty!
A fuming Frau

Anonymous said...

Yes Ma'am :::works on light orb experiments while waiting my turn, ducking at continued failures:::