Saturday, October 04, 2008

Who Knew...?

Who knew that a zombie could get drunk...well now I know. This is a new experience for me..I haven't been able to enjoy a good stiff drink...or several years now. Thank goodness for spell check!


Anonymous said...

I'm going back to the books, let me know when your hangover is in full force.

You know how I love to "take care" of hangover victims *giggles*

Agent Bones said...

Ugh...unh...hangovers suck!

Seriously, Ravyn plays a major part in this next post...and it should be done by Saturday morning...

Vexis Darksteele said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vexis Darksteele said...

((Yes, I typo'd on the first at a comment -_- )) *ignoring the post itself*

*Vexis randomly appears out of nowhere* "Woah...this place is nothing like Ethiamn...not that I was around to see that place either, though." O.o

*pokes Rusty continuously* Yes, now I can annoy you in both real life, AND the internet! >:D

Thats what you get for showing me XD

Eh, now that I've given you your daily dosage of annoyance, I can leave...EPICLY! (yes, I am aware of the misspelling) *cues dramatic music*

You haven't seen the last of me!! >:O *disappears in a puff of smoke*